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4 Steps to Get Crystal Clear on How You Want to Spend Your Time

career direction tips practical advice Dec 07, 2021

An enormous piece of helping someone clarify their career next steps is helping them get crystal clear on how they want to spend their time at work.

Think about it. There are 24 hours in a day, we are awake for 16-18 hours, and we spend almost 9 of our waking hours working. 
If you are looking to make a career change, or if you are looking for more satisfaction in your current position, here are 4 steps to getting crystal clear on how you want to spend your time. 
1. Take stock on the roles and responsibilities that energize and deplete you- As you go through your day, pay attention to what you are doing- the roles and responsibilities, tasks, and activities. Notice what energizes you or depletes you. Take one week to jot notes on your calendar or journal, and you will notice obvious patterns about what is and isn't working for you. 
2. Identify the skills that energize you- Behind each role and responsibility, you are using a skill to accomplish the task at hand. What are those skills are you using that bring your energy? What are the skills that burn you out?
3. Pinpoint your underdeveloped skills- There are often skills that we have enjoyed using in our past and are not using in our career, or perhaps there are skills we would like to try. A big piece of the puzzle is to find jobs that allow you to use more of these underdeveloped skills and foster them. Think back to your previous jobs and spend some time thinking about the skills you might like to develop and grow. 
4. Take action on what you learn about yourself- Can take on roles and responsibilities and develop the skills that you enjoy at your current company in your current role? If so, awesome  talk to your supervisor or make the needed adjustments to shift how you spend your time. If not, do you need to explore different jobs along your current career path, or perhaps research an entirely different career path that allows you to spend your time in a way that is more aligned with your needs?  
If you want a deeper dive into exploring the best use of your time and skills and identifying careers that could be a good fit, join us for a six week workshop Jump In and Make a Career Change starting Wednesday January 12th. This workshop is open to anyone who would love to identify their transferable skills, clarify their career next steps, up-level their networking, and make an action plan for making a career change. Learn more and Register HERE.

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