Do you want to start a business, but have no idea what to choose? Or are you looking to re-align your business but unsure of the best direction? You’ve come to the right place.

-Danielle Roessle, LCSW, GCDFI, CCSP

✧Business (Re) Discovery Coaching For Entrepreneurs

A customized individual coaching program that uses childhood stories to identify the strengths and core drivers in aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start the right business — OR established business owners looking to re-align their business.

Does this sound like you?

✓ You want to start a business and possess an entrepreneurial/ intrapreneurial spirit, yet uncertainty holds you back from choosing the right idea, fearing it might lead you down the wrong path.

âś“ You have an existing business, but you're not feeling passion or excitement for it anymore. If anything, you think about giving it up and doing something else.

✓ You're ready to break free from analysis paralysis and are eager to take action. This entails engaging in reflective exercises, playful exploration, and testing your ideas to pinpoint your business direction.

âś“You have an existing business, but your offerings do not energize you and you feel you need to redefine your wheelhouse and how it matches the market.

âžś I'm on parental leave until 05/15/24. Please click here to schedule a consultation upon my return.

Create a business that allows you to:

Thrive in Your Zone of Genius/ Driving Talents

Your journey towards a thriving business begins with recognizing the priceless assets you've carried all along—your innate gifts from childhood. Let's embark on a viable business venture that harnesses your innate gifts where you get paid for doing what truly motivates and fulfills you.

Connect with your deepest motivations

Being a business owner is demanding yet immensely rewarding. To navigate the ups and downs, it's important to stay connected with your motivations, your "why," and the core convictions that fuel your drive to succeed. Let's uncover your core motivations to propel your business forward

Make a Meaningful Contribution

Owning your own business gives you a unique opportunity to be intentional about the impact you make on this earth and the lives of others. Let's take the time to identify what a meaningful impact or contribution means to you personally and then integrate it into the mission and vision of your business.

Maximize the Best Use of Your Time and Skills

To prevent business burnout, the key is to (re)structure your business to maximize the best use of your time and skills while minimizing those that cause burnout — by doing so, you'll pave the way for a more fulfilling and sustainable entrepreneurial journey.

I'm here to help you start a business or fall in love with your business again.

âžś I'm on parental leave until 05/15/24. Please click here to schedule a consultation upon my return.

Next Level Results For Entrepreneurs Like You

Establish a clear direction for your business venture

I was at a turning point in my career and Danielle helped me establish a clear direction for my new business venture. The coaching process was incredibly beneficial and helped to shed light on driving factors going all the way back to childhood. Highly recommend her services!

—Hannah Johnson
Chef and Founder, ByJayne, LLC

Your business can provide you what you're looking for

Working with Danielle has reinvigorated my entrepreneurial spirit! I found myself at a crossroads with my career as a small business owner. I was contemplating a career change to do something different; I was stuck in neutral. I sought professional help to find a path for me to head down. Danielle showed me the path by helping me understand my values, passions and to re-learn what motivates me. I realized that my own business can provide what I'm looking for. I'm now on my own path to a more fulfilling work life, thanks to Danielle's guidance.

—James Beram
Beram Plan Management

âžś I'm on parental leave until 05/15/24. Please click here to schedule a consultation upon my return.

✧ My Signature System for Starting the Right Business or Realigning Your Business


Identify the patterns from childhood and in your career where you thrive. Clarify what holds you back, and what gives you a sense of fulfillment.

Create your True North Guide — a blueprint for designing a fulfilling career that will guide starting or realigning the right business venture. 


Research business opportunities that aligned with your True North Guide. Validate ideas through business conversations and iterative beta testing, modifying your plan until you find the best options that are in alignment with your envisioned business.


Create a roadmap of action steps and continue working on your beta project to gain the experience, validation, and social proof that you need. Be clear on who you serve, what you offer, and the benefits it provides. Feel confident in your business direction.

More Business Coaching Results


The Inner Compass Process was transformational

Working with the Inner Compass Process was transformational in helping me move from a place of mental stuckness and inaction to one of mental clarity and action — both personally and professionally. Revisiting my early childhood memories and other memories from my life so far helped me hone in on my values, what brings me joy, and what drains me; this insight served as the bedrock for helping me move forward with making a career change. Danielle's model is at the forefront of her field, combining the wisdom of clinical mental health and career health to help people build more meaningful careers and lives. When you finish with the Inner Compass Process, you will walk away with a flexible blueprint you can revisit time and time again to help guide you on future professional changes.

—Jess Gottlieb
Therapist, Jessica Gottlieb, LCPC, LLC

âžś I'm on parental leave until 05/15/24. Please click here to schedule a consultation upon my return.

Meet Your Business Coach

Danielle Roessle, Inner Compass Coach

Danielle Roessle, Founder, Executive Career and Business Coach

Why You Should
Work With Me

  • I'm a trained therapist who can support you through navigating the difficulties of your unique business transition.
  • I've been a career and business coach for over a decade and have worked with hundreds of clients in my private practice alone. I promise I'll be real with you about the risks and rewards of executing decisions based on your new self-awareness and business research.
  • I'm INTUITIVE as heck and I know what to say and just how to say it to support you in weighing options and evaluating decisions.
âžś I'm on parental leave until 05/15/24. Please click here to schedule a consultation upon my return.

More Entrepreneurial Success Stories

Reconnect with your Inner Self and Identify Your True Calling

You may call it the mid-life crisis, but I started to question myself on what I would like to do when I retire from my current job. I asked myself that question and the answer was a confusion of ideas, like a giant puzzle. The Inner Compass Process' unique methodology helped me reconnect with my inner self and identify what my true calling for my next career step.

—Berthe Stempfer
Founder, Nuancer Coaching

Move to new truths about how you should apply your passions, talents and energy

When I wasn't feeling good about the obvious next steps in my career, I knew I needed help or I would continue to spiral. Danielle's combination of tried and true process, knowledge base, quick and deep insight, and easing personality moved me quickly to new truths about how I should be applying my passions, talents and energy. She has not only helped me create a plan of how to make the change, but also is introducing me to individuals and resources to support my long-term business success.

—Kate Peabody
Founder, KaptivateMe

âžś I'm on parental leave until 05/15/24. Please click here to schedule a consultation upon my return.

My Business Direction Program Can Help You...

  • Gain a clear business direction based on your core drivers from childhood, which will allow for you deepen your commitment to successfully launch your business
  • Connect deeply with your "why" and cultivate unwavering conviction for your business based on your deep reflections
  • Understand what energizes you, facilitates a state of flow, and and be able to bring that into your business
  • Know what’s holding you back base on obstacles you've had to overcome from childhood and how to move forward
  • Understand the CONTRIBUTION you want to make through your business
  • Build a BUSINESS FRAMEWORK to evaluate options and make decisions that align with your vision
  • Identify the best use of your time, talents, and skills time, talents, and skills to DESIGN a fulfilling career that guides you toward the right business venture
  • Test and validate your ideas to ensure they are market-ready and meet the demands of your potential customers
  • Define offerings that energize you, meet the needs of your target markets, and develop effective language to describe them
  • Learn effective strategies to land your first few clients, building a solid foundation for your business growth
  • Create an STRATEGIC PLAN for launching your aligned business and achieving your business goals

More Business Owners Who have Thrived

Do something more fulfilling than ever before

Danielle is wonderful at what she does. She helped me find my path and feel confident in my decisions. My work is more fulfilling than ever before. I send everyone I know that needs career or business guidance to her without hesitation.

—Katie Lyon
Founder, Katie Lyon Consulting

Get over the hump

Danielle really helped me in assessing what my second act career would look like. After years in the same industry, I was feeling stuck and needed the specific process that Danielle has to get me over the hump. I loved that her model includes specific processes and a timeline that allows the client to understand the beginning, middle, and end. ​

—Sonia D.
Next Steps for Success Consulting

âžś I'm on parental leave until 05/15/24. Please click here to schedule a consultation upon my return.