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What To Do If You Don't Like Any Jobs Out There

career direction tips career mindset career satisfaction career transition practical advice Oct 25, 2023

Have you ever considered making a career change, only to discover that the career options that you've researched leave you disappointed or uninterested?

In my experience, this dissatisfaction often stems from two key reasons:

1. The Dream Job Dilemma:

As individuals explore various career possibilities, they may come to the realization that their dream job doesn't offer the desired financial compensation or may require more education than they are willing to pursue.

This situation can be especially challenging for those who have held well-paying positions for an extended period.

2. The Live to Work Mentality:

There are individuals who, if given the opportunity, would wholeheartedly pursue activities like travel, volunteer work, or homemaking rather than committing to a conventional job. Not everyone loves to work, and that's perfectly okay. It's okay to "work to live", instead of "live to work".

So, what can you do if you aspire to transition your career but feel disheartened by the available options and the realities of the job market?

Accepting Reality and Finding Your Path

It's important to accept that certain fundamental aspects of the job market cannot be changed. For instance, if you dream of being a park ranger, you can't change the fact that it's not a high-paying job.

However, this doesn't mean you can't explore alternatives like starting your own business to achieve the income you desire or seek aspects of the job you love in other professions.

Moreover, if you identify more with a "live to work" mentality than a "work to live" approach, or if you've never truly loved your work (perhaps you liked it but never felt a deep passion for it), it might be easier for you to accept this reality rather than feeling pressured to force yourself to "love your work."

So, how do you navigate this challenging terrain?

Here are my recommendations:

1. Strive for Career Improvement, Instead of "Loving Your Work":

Rather than fixating on the notion of a dream job, concentrate on finding something better.

Your current financial circumstances may make pursuing your dream job unfeasible, or perhaps you prefer not to make major lifestyle changes. It's also acceptable if you don't fully embrace the idea of loving your job.

In such cases, look for roles, responsibilities, and work environments that align better with your values and offer an improved work-life balance. This could involve making pivots to incorporate more of what you enjoy or even crafting your unique role within the right organization.

Based on my experience, clients who find themselves 30% more satisfied in their next role often see a significant enhancement in their day-to-day life.

2. Maintain Your Networking Efforts and Don't Give Up:

When facing career change disappointment or not finding any jobs that you like, it's common to withdraw from networking or hesitate to put yourself out there.

Nevertheless, networking is crucial for uncovering better opportunities. By actively engaging in conversations and expanding your connections, you'll not only gain insights into potential career changes that align with your preferences but also discover companies that resonate with you.

This process allows you to challenge your assumptions and identify what genuinely constitutes a "better" path, as well as connect with promising job prospects.

3. Confront Disappointment and Use It as a Driver:

Encountering disappointment is a normal part of the career change journey, but don't let it discourage you.

For instance, not everyone you reach out to for networking will respond. Networking is often a numbers game, and with persistence, you will connect with individuals who are willing to give back and support others.

Disillusionment can also occur when you're researching job options or gathering information about a potential career change, especially if one person offers a negative perspective on a particular path. In such cases, it's beneficial to reach out to multiple individuals to gain a broader perspective and validate your assumptions. If you notice consistent trends or recurring themes that raise concerns about the potential change you're considering, it's advisable to explore alternative options that may better align with your aspirations.

Based on my experience, many clients embark on their journey with one specific career path in mind but ultimately discover a better fit through thorough research and conversations.

While disappointment is an inevitable part of the process, it's crucial not to allow it to hinder your progress. Instead, use it as a driving force for persistence and continuous exploration.

4. Seek Encouragement from Realists Instead of Idealists: 

It's easy to fall into the trap of reading articles that encourage you to find work that you love or following influencers that tout perfection. This can be challenging and reinforces what likely doesn't work for you. Instead, seek support from mentors and supporters who offer encouragement, helping you maintain a positive outlook but appear realistic. Having this support can make a significant difference in keeping your motivation and following through because they reinforce what feels real to you.

Of course, if you're seeking support and mentorship with career discovery or exploration, please don't hesitate to reach out. We offer a complimentary consultation to help you assess if our services could be a good fit: please click here to schedule. 

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