If you're aiming to reignite the fire within, find greater meaning and fulfillment in your work, and be financially rewarded for problem-solving in a way that truly drives you, you've come to the right place!

✧ Offering Career Coaching  

Serving Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, Denver, Fort Collins, and Online

What Makes This Program Different?


Assessments don't get to the heart of why you do what you do. This program uses your childhood as the doorway to understand what makes you feel alive and truly MOTIVATES you in your career.


You'll get crystal clear on whether you want to change your job, career, employer, industry, or start a business. You'll learn strategies to build your network, tap the hidden job market, and design a roadmap of your next steps.


I pride myself on integrating psychology and career development in my approach — a unique combination of reflection, strategy, and cheerleading to help you make meaningful changes.


This coaching program will not promise you your dream job because it might not be realistic in the job market. This program will promise to help you find something much better that honors your needs and circumstances.

Meet Your Coach

Meet Danielle Roessle, LCSW, GCDFI, CCSP 

Who I Work With- Mid-Career Professionals to Executive Leaders, and (Aspiring) Entrepreneurs

Services I Offer- Career/Business Discovery and Exploration, Job Interview Coaching, Salary Negotiation

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✧ My Signature System, The Inner Compass Process


Identify the patterns from childhood and in your career where you thrive. Clarify what holds you back, and what gives you a sense of fulfillment.

Create your True North Guide, or a job framework, to help you envision how you want to use your time. Your True North Guide acts as your north star for any career decision.


Research career opportunities that could be a good fit, while using your True North Guide to help you evaluate your options.

Learn how to use networking conversations to acquire new information and to feel safe in testing the waters while determining your career direction.


Create a roadmap of next steps.

Career roadmaps will include realistic goals, job search strategies to accomplish your goals, and tactics to overcome obstacles that might get in your way.

Career Coaching Results

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Walk Away with the Clarity To:

Thrive in Your Zone of Genius/ Driving Talents

Your natural talents and gifts from childhood deserve a place in the job market – let's harness them and guide you towards getting paid for doing what motivates you.

Make a Meaningful Contribution

Together, we'll explore what "doing good" means to you personally and professionally. We'll help you identify ways to make a meaningful impact through your work.

Live Your Core Values

Core values are the fundamental needs that have been important to you since childhood. We will help you pinpoint your values that serve as a guiding compass in finding the right employer for you. 

Maximize the Best Use of Your Time and Skills

By identifying the skills you're overusing and those that are underutilized, we will help you make career changes that optimize your skillset, ignite your passion, and reduce burnout. 

By the end of the program, you will...

  • Recognize what is and isn’t working in your current position
  • Understand what makes you feel alive and be able to bring that into your work
  • Know what’s holding you back and how to move forward
  • Identify the one or two innate talents that you should be paid for in your career
  • Understand the CONTRIBUTION you want to make through your career
  • Build a JOB FRAMEWORK to be able to quickly gauge whether or not a position is a good fit
  • Know which SKILLS you’ve mastered that will get you hired
  • Pinpoint whether you want to change your job, employer, career, industry, your mindset at work, or start a business   
  • Become a detective, researcher, and master networker, and find strategies to test the waters so that you feel CONFIDENT in your new career direction
  • Create an ACTIONABLE PLAN for achieving your career goals 
  • Have a clear direction toward a more fulfilling career
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Client Success Stories

Find your inner compass

My experience with Danielle was life changing. Having completed her program, there is no doubt that my strengths, talents and what I find fulfilling, is imperative to happiness in life and work. She has great active listening skills and intuition and really helps guide her clients to discovering their best selves. Danielle has a format, a methodology to finding "your inner compass" and it works.

—Lauren R.

Discover what makes you tick

Danielle helped me to discover what makes me tick, reconnect with my passions, and discover how my skills and passions could be applied at the next stop on my career path. I left my sessions with a sense of clarity and comfort in my job search, as well as techniques, knowledge and resources I could apply.

—Joshua W.
Attorney Advisor

Understand What Motivates You

This program was great because it really makes you take a look at yourself closely and understand what motivates you. I’d been struggling a lot in jobs that just didn’t fulfill me but thanks to working with Danielle, I now know what kind of work keeps me motivated and what kind of work I enjoy. This was money well spent! If you’re struggling to find that next step in your career I highly recommend the Inner Compass Process!

—Daniel Martinez
Senior Product Manager

Gain Valuable Networking Skills

Danielle's approach to helping me figure out my best path as I transitioned careers was right-on. Danielle is a great and wise listener. Additionally, my networking skills went through the roof as a result of my time working with Danielle.

After working with Danielle, I took a risk on a seven-month program in data science and ended up with three competitive job offers. I couldn't have done it without her.

—Jess T.

Identify Your Career Direction 

An affirming, smart, inspiring, and skilled guide is how I would describe Danielle as a career coach. Her step-by-step process and exercises helped me identify a career direction that is a great fit with my skills and interests in a just a few sessions. Danielle is perceptive and thoughtful. She helped me uncover my main motivations, values, passions, and skills. Then she provided me with brilliant tools and strategies to research careers with the greatest potential for high satisfaction. Before attending Danielle’s coaching service, I was unsure about the next steps to take in my career. By the end of the process, I felt confident and excited. I highly recommend Danielle to anyone looking for career direction help.

—Brent Henderson
Technical Product Manager

Reconnect with your Inner Self and Identify Your True Calling

For a while now, I've been looking for a fulfilling career, rather than just a job. I have also been sidetracked by seeing what my friends and colleagues have moved on to do and that narrowed my vision on what I thought I should be doing. Working with Danielle, however, helped me understand my narrative - what the circumstances were that drove me to find satisfaction in my previous careers. With a better understanding of myself and what intrinsically drives me, I've been able to identify a career that I believe I will find fulfilling.

—Stephan Ahn
Lead Advisor


I received the tools I needed to fly

Working with Danielle was a game-changer. I love the thorough stepwise plan - which ultimately led me to my dream job. I came to Inner Compass Coach self-employed and wanting to find a new career and I received the tools I needed to fly.

—Lauren Condell
Director of Product Marketing

A better understanding of myself and what drives me

"I LOVED the process of working Danielle. I went into the process looking for some clarity on where I wanted to take my career. I knew I wanted to do something different, but didn't know WHAT. I really enjoyed that Danielle had a really specific approach to our exercises, and a concrete process to get to a conclusion. I love where ended up, and I'm SO excited to move forward and chase my (much clearer) now career path!"

—Erin Randall
Senior Manager, PMP

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Referral Partners


*Please be aware that my referral partners operate as distinct entities separate from Inner Compass Coach, LLC.

Meet Jim Black, CDF, CTCC

Who I Work With- Entry-Level, Mid-Career Professionals, and Executive Leaders

Services I Offer- Career Discovery and Exploration, and Job Search Services (resume, cover letter, personal branding, interviewing, salary negotiation, etc).

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Feel Re-energized

Not just from me but from my wife as well, thank you so much for the help, peace of mind, and advice over the past few months. After I lost my job it was a very challenging time and I always looked forward to our conversations and felt re-energized and motivated afterwards.


—Michael Mandrioli
Biotech Account Manager

Gain Focus 

Thanks to Jim's wise guidance, I was able to gain focus after being indecisive about my career path.  I felt energized after our consultations because his attitude was enthusiastic and positive.

—Jill Wade
Project Coordinator and Learner Advocate

Jim was always positive and encouraging 

I worked with Jim Black as a result of a career transition package from my former employer. He helped me hone my resume and prepared me well for interviews that I had along the journey. One of the most valuable things Jim provided was suggestions on where and what to look for as I was researching companies as potential next stops. Jim was always positive and encouraging in his approach with me.

—Chip LeBlanc
Human Resources Director

He helped me feel calm and confident

Jim and I made a connection from the very beginning of my career transition. He helped me to feel very calm and confident, and he helped me to make sense of what was happening as I worked through my transition.

—Ken Hardy
Business Process Excellence Executive

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